鱈の味噌漬け【Cod Marinated in Miso】

Tara no Miso Zuke


材料 (3人分)
鱈の切り身 3切れ (1 lb)
味噌 大さじ3
みりん 大さじ3 

Ingredients (Serves 3)
3 Cod fillets (1 lb)
3 Tbsp Miso
3 Tbsp Mirin

作り方 Directions
① 魚の臭みを取り除く為、鱈に塩を振り30分程置く
     Sprinkle salt on cod, then leave about 30 minutes to neutralize the fish smell.
② 味噌とみりんを混ぜ合わせる
     Mix miso and mirin.
③ ペーパータオルで①の水気を拭き取り、②と一緒にジップロックバッグに入れる
     Wipe ① with a paper towel, then put it inside a ziplock bag with ②.
④ 冷蔵庫で約一日漬ける。
     Let it marinate about one day in the refrigerator.
⑤ 天板に、シワをつけたアルミホイルを敷く (引っ付くのを防ぐ為)
     Place wrinkled foil on the baking seat. (The wrinkles prevent sticking)
⑤ ④の味噌を拭き取り⑤に乗せ、オーブンに入れる
     Wipe the miso sauce from ④ and put it on ⑤, then put inside the oven.
⑥ Broil機能のLowで10分程焼く (少し焦げ目がつく程度)
     Broil on low setting for about 10 minutes. (Until it starts getting a little charred)
⑦ 裏返し、もう片面を5分程焼く(少し焦げ目がつく程度)
     Turn over and broil on low setting for about 5 minutes. (Until it starts getting a little charred)
*Adjust for broiling time.

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