紅白なます【Vinegared Daikon Radish and Carrots】

 Kouhaku Namasu

*Kouhaku means Red and White.  Japanese use these colors for celebrations, for that reason these colors are used for Osechi, which is New Year’s celebration food. 

大根 400g
人参 1本 (80g)
塩 小さじ2
砂糖 大さじ1
米酢 大さじ2

400g Daikon radish
1 Carrot (80g)
2 Tsp Salt
1 Tbsp Sugar
2 Tbsp Rice vinegar

作り方 Directions
① 大根と人参を細切りにする
  Julienne daikon radish and carrot. 
② 塩を入れて揉み、10分程置いてから水気をよく絞る
     Add salt and massage, leave for about 10 minutes and squeeze well to remove excess water.
③ 砂糖と米酢を入れ、混ぜ合わせる
     Add sugar and rice vinegar, then mix.
④ 混ぜ合わせた直後でも食べられますが、冷蔵庫で1日、味を馴染ませた方が美味しいです
     You can eat it right after mixing, but it will taste better if you put it in the refrigerator for a day.

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